What most stalls did have in abundance, however, was okra. Now, it's easy to go a long time without having it any way but fried. And while I occasionally do get a craving for something greasy and breaded, I've pretty much weaned myself off fried foods (with the notable exception of fried avocado tacos... sigh).
That's where this recipe comes in. The okra was delicately crunchy and bright accompanied by stewed cherry tomatoes, and was a perfect side for Andy's cashew and sesame-crusted homemade tofu.

1/4 c peanut oil
1 /2 lb okra
20 cherry tomatoes
2 minced garlic cloves
2 tbsp lime juice
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground cumin
optional pinch or two of cayenne (I left this out, since the tofu crust was already spicy)
salt and pepper to taste
1. Cut the tails and tops off the okra and slice it into thin rounds.

3. Turn the heat down to medium-low, add the cherry tomatoes and saute for another 3 minutes or so. Be careful not to let brown turn into burnt.
4. Add the spices and gently cook for another 4-5 minutes, until the tomatoes release their juices a bit.
5. Reclaim your chair from the contented cat, and enjoy!

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